W.I.P. :

The above one is on a biography of my animator buddy when he fell from his scooter and still has a scar on his face. One of the many childish imaginations he had that his scooter could fly higher than an air plane in the sky :D
And the below one is like journalism comic strip where we picked a newspaper and portrayed the news event in our comic illustrations. I chose the news which said 'I fired my first gunshot at 8' from Hindustan Times newspaper. A very sad event that school kid shoots his junior for not wishing him New Year. The most striking thing for me was to know that the school kid who got shot could not forgive his friend over the cricket match fight and refused to wish his friend new year was the reason he got shot. These are the doodles:

And the final illustration :

A big thanks to artist Parismita Singh who worked closely and gave strong crits and encouraging comments on our first comic strip :)